June 2024
All data as of 06/30/2024
NameAS Swiss Equity Fund- AS Swiss Equity Cadmos Engagement - Part A
Fund TypeEquity fund Long Only
Launch dateOctober 2020
Fund sizeCHF 73 million
ManagersAlexandre Stucki & Nathalie Kappeler
ESG AdvisorsDe Pury Pictet Turrettini & Cie SA
Dividends & incomeReinvested
Legal StatutSwiss Fund
CustodianBanque Cantonale Vaudoise
AdministratorGERIFONDS SA
ISINCH0466857072 (part A)
Swiss Valor46685707 (part A)
Management Fee1.50%

Investment Strategy

AS Swiss Equity Fund – AS Swiss Equity Cadmos Engagement is a long-only Swiss equity fund. The fund aims for regular long-term capital growth with a lower correlation to the markets.

The portfolio management is active, based on alpha generation. The ESG buy and careR philosophy is at the core of the investment strategy. The fund offers a combination of investments in value and growth stocks.


A convincing performance: The mirror fund Cadmos Swiss Engagement outperformed its benchmarks SPI and SLI TR since its launch. The fund received regularly a good rating from Morningstar since its start.

Since LaunchJune 202420242023
AS Swiss Equity Cadmos Eng. CH ¹37.8 %-1.1 %7.7 %15.3 %
SPI ¹28 %-0.5 %9.3 %6.1 %
¹ Fund launched in Octobre 2020

Investment Methodology

Fundamental Analysis: The managers focus on quality companies, whose growth is constant and regular over the long term. Detailed financial models are constantly updated. Frequent contacts with the managements of the companies as well as their competitors are maintained.

Clear and transparent strategy: The fund offers a simple and transparent management strategy through investments in quality equities.

Active management: The fund does not seek to replicate the benchmark but to generate alpha. In the Swiss equity fund category, it generally has a lower beta and a high tracking error.

Shareholder engagement: Dialogue is initiated with companies on financially material environmental, social and governance issues. Thus the findings are integrated into the fundamental analysis of companies.

Reports of shareholder engagement meetings with companies held in the fund are available on request.

The information published is only informative and in no way represents an offer to conclude. Units of these funds may only be subscribed on the basis of the information contained in the fund’s prospectus. References to past performance cannot guarantee their future evolution. Performance data does not include commissions and fees that may be charged when subscribing and redeeming units.